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Compilation Cookbooks


These books are created using family recipes provided by our clients. Often times these are handwritten texts or recipes collected from a variety of locations. We design a book using a combination of the recipes and photographs provided by the family. 

Pricing Structure:

Design Fee

I charge a $350 fee for designing the book. This fee includes transcribing handwritten recipes, or recipes that you provide (up to 100 recipes). We will format the recipes in the same design. It also includes scanning and editing of family photographs (up to 100 photos), and designing the book. Additional recipes and photos can be added at a billable rate of $75 / hour. The cost for the printed books is additional (see book fee below). 

Food Photography

If you would like me to cook and photograph a specific recipe, I charge $75 per recipe, plus the cost of food. Most clients elect to select 1-2 important recipes to photograph to use in the book and on the cover. 

Stock Food Photography

You are able to use up to 10 images from my stock photography library. Most of the photographs that I have taken over the years are available for you to use within your book. You can see our stock library and pricing for additional photos here (link)

Book Fee - Production of your physical book will vary dramatically depending on size, binding, type of paper, total number of pages, and number of copies ordered. I can offer you an estimate based on comparing prior customers books with current production costs from our printer. Later in the production process, we will send you a more definite pricing spectrum based on your book.


Note: The "Full Culinary Experience" includes the recipe documentation of me going to my clients kitchens. See more information about that here: Link

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